News Items


Movies are a big part of the American experience. They instantly connect us to some of the best times in our lives and a flood of cherished memories. Many film characters become a part of iconic American folklore and often reflect who we would want to be on our best days. Sometimes, those movie characters […]

Angled sidelight

We made a sidelight with an angled mullion in one our downstairs offices. This frame has a 1 3/4″ removable panel at the bottom, a 1/4″ removable panel in the middle, and glass in the top. Another fine job by the engineers and manufacturing folks!

Radius frame in brick wall

HMF Express is a great source for radius top frames, and we’ll work with you to make sure you get exactly what your customer needs.

We can work from your drawings or specifications, and it is common for us to match a cardboard template that you send in from a tracing made on the job site…

Hollow metal rock stars

Rock stars are innovative, creative, high-energy, entertaining, and sometimes inspirational. Their music connects with our ideas and gets woven into the fabric of our lives. We take these ideas and fold them into how we work, play, and strive to be our best selves.

And hey, who doesn’t riff on a mean air guitar…

Removable mullion 90-minute

Also new for 2016: a 90-minute removable transom bar and panel!!

This product meets the same construction requirements of our existing fire rated transom frames.

Product Details:
– 18 or 16 ga panel with 22 gauge stiffeners
– Maximum transom panel size is 90″ W x 46″ H
– Can also be used in sidelight frames and more …

Chicago Paint Booth

84% of orders shipped early in September? That would be the new Chicago plant!

Just as with our Wilmington and Atlanta plants, the Chicago plant starts from sheet steel and punches, bends, preps, welds, and paints each product to your custom specifications…

Increase your profits

Catch the September issue of DHI magazine to read an article by HMF Express’s Steve Adams on using quick-ship to increase your profits. The article will outline 5 different ways to benefit from the use of quick-ship suppliers in your business…


HMF can do that?

August 10, 2014 News Items
Double egress

“Can you build me a double egress frame, and make it knock-down drywall?” That’s a question we get all the time. The answer is: YES WE CAN!

Not only can we make you a KD double egress frame for installation after the drywall has been hung – we can fire rate it up to 90 min as well!!